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Despite being created to be a small, fast fighting dog back in the 19th century, the Staffordshire Bull terrier of modern days carries a strong reputation of courage, intelligence, and love of children. Known as “Staffies” to fans of the breed, they exhibit great affection and playfulness and are faithful companies that continue to soar in popularity.
Head and Skull
The skull is broad and short, The cheek muscles are pronounced and noticeable. Stop is distinct and the foreface is short with a black nose.
Although it is preferrable for the eyes to be dark, there are instances whereby the coat colour can affect the colouration of the eyes. Round in shape and of medium size with dark rims.
Ears can be half pricked or rose, without being large or heavy.
The neck will be muscular and quite short, beginning to widen towards the shoulders.
The forelegs are straight and well boned, set wide apart and without signs of weakness at the pasterns which is where the feet will turn out slightly. No looseness at the elbow and shoulders should be well laid back.
Hocks well let down and stifles well bent. When viewed from behind the legs should be parallel. Well muscled.
The body should be close coupled with a level topline, wide front, deep brisket and well sprung ribs. Muscular with good definition throughout.
Medium in size and well padded and strong. In solid coloured dogs the nails should be black.
Tail should be low set and of medium length, tapering to a point and carried low. No excessive curling.
When viewed from either front or rear, the legs should move parallel. Noticeable drive from the back legs and general powe and agility.
Close, short and smooth.
Fawn, white, blue, black or red or any pf the previous with white. Any shade of brindle including with white.
Weight for males is 13 to 17 kilos in males, 11 to 15 kilos in females. Height at withers is 36 to 41 centimetres, relative to weight.
Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid.
Viciousness or extreme shyness.