Cane Corso | UK Bully Kennel Club
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An Italian mastiff breed, closely related to the Neapolitan Mastiff, the remarkable history of the Cane Corso indicates a descendance from dogs used in Ancient Rome. As working dogs, they have been used for law enforcement, personal protection, as guard dogs and for tracking. It is as a companion dog though, that this beautiful breed is now best known. Loyalty to their owners is a breed trait and they will seldom leave your side, offering a true and dignified friend for life.


10 to 12 years.



Highly intelligent and easy to train. Powerful and impressive structure and loyal and affectionate.


Head and skull

The head is large. The forehead should be flat and convergent to the muzzle. The muzzle is flat, rectangular (when viewed from above), and generally as wide as it is long; approximately 33% the total length of the skull (a ratio of 2:1).



Medium-size, almond-shaped, neither round or bulging, with tight fitting rims preferential and only a small amount of haw visible. For dogs with black muzzles, and coat colours of red, fawn or black, dark brown eyes are preferred. For dogs with grey muzzles, and coat colours of red fawn or grey, lighter shades are acceptable.



Width nearly equal to length and broad and deep, reaching around one third of the total head length. Depth should be over 50% of muzzle length, with nose and chin forming a perpendicular line. From a frontal view, anterior face should look flat, being wider at the bottom.



Of a medium size and distinctly triangular, not to extend beyond the jaw and held close to the cheeks.



Should be large and exhibit well-opened nostrils, with a matching pigmentation. pigment colour to match the coat.



Slightly arched, flowing into the shoulders with a minimum amount of dewlap. The length of the neck should be roughly a third the height at the withers.



Well proportioned with obvious musculature and strength. When viewed from the front or side should appear strsight with limb height at the elbow equating to 50% of the height at withers.



Ribcage depth should equate to half of the dog’s total height, descending a little below the elbow. Long, well sprung ribs and a broad muscular chest. The chest and back should be well muscled, wide and strong. Rump should be well rounded due to muscle.



As with forequarters they should be strong and powerful. From a front or rear view they should be straight. Well muscled thighs and strong legs. Hocks should be wide set and parallel when viewed from the rear. Hind feet slightly more oval and toes less arched.



Feet should be rounded, with lean dark and hard pads and nails.



As an extension of the backline, the tail should be thick at the root with slight tapering at the tip. When the dog is moving, it should be carried low. When in repose it should be carried level with the back without curving over the back or being curled.



Effortless, fast, powerful and free flowing. Topline remains level when viewed from the side and minimum amounts of bounce or roll.



The coat should be short, stiff, shiny, dense and with a light undercoat that thickens in colder weather.



Black, light or dark shades of grey, fawn and red, with brindling acceptable. A black or grey mask associated with lighter and darker shades. Patches of white on throat, chin, chest and toes.



The length when measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttock will be approximately 10 percent greater than the height of the dog measured from the highest point of the shoulder to the ground. Height - Dogs 63.5 cm to 70cm (25 to 27½ inches); bitches 60cm to 66cm )23½ to 26 inches). Weight should be proportionate to height.



  • Yellow bird of prey or blue eyes.

  • More than two teeth missing, wry mouth.

  • Undershot by more than ¼ inch.

  • Any colour with tan pattern markings as seen in black-and-tan breeds.

  • A natural tail that is atrophied or a natural tail that is knotted and laterally deviated or shows twisting. 


Due to The Animal Welfare Act 2006, dogs with a docked tail will not allowed to be show at our events. 

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