Perhaps the biggest surprise about the American Bully is that their physical appearance, being one of immense power and strength, is juxtaposed by their gentle, affectionate demeanour. Their characteristic friendliness with children and other animals, combined with their exuberance and companionship, makes the breed increasingly popular to all dog lovers.
8 to 15 years
A truly faithful, affectionate and energetic companion.
Head and skull
The dog has a very distinctive large and heavy head of medium length and remaining deep throughout. The skull is broad, and the cheek muscles noticeably pronounced. The stop is deep and distinct.
The eyes are oval to almond in shape, set far apart and low in the skull. There should be little visibility of the haw. All colours acceptable, excepting pink to red.
Whilst being broad in width, the muzzle of the dog should be medium in length, and shorter than the skull length with the distance from the nose tip to the stop being roughly a third of the distance from the nose tip to the occiput. The muzzle appears slightly square, falling away abruptly below the eyes. Muzzle topline straight without the nose being pointed or upturned when viewed in profile. The jaws show good definition and are strong and parallel to the muzzle without turning upward.
The nose has wide open nostrils and is large in size. Any colour fine other than light pink.
The breed has a medium sized, slightly arched, heavy and well-muscled neck that tapers from the shoulder to the back of the skull. No loose skin is preferred.
Well laid-back shoulders with wide blades. Shoulders are strong and well-muscled. The upper arm should be approximately the same length as the shoulder blade and joined at an approximate angle of between 35 and 45 degrees. The forelegs should be straight, visibly strong with equally strong pasterns which are short and almost erect. Feet should be straight forward. The distance from the elbows to the bottom of the legs should be the same as the distance from withers to elbow.
The hindquarters should be visibly well muscled, let down at the hocks and not turned in or out. There should be a balance between the muscularity, angulation and width with that of the forequarters. The hind legs should appear straight and parallel when viewed from behind, and the croup should exhibit a slight downward angle.
Showing strong, heavy muscling and bulk on the body which is of medium length. The breed is typified by exhibiting an impression of power and strength. The well rounded ribs are close together and create a barrel like chest. The rib cage itself should extend to, or just below, the elbow. The chest is broad and deep, and the forelegs set noticeable wide apart in accordance to allowing the development of the chest, which is broad but not overly exaggerated.
These should be well proportioned to the size of the dog, well rounded, well arched, rounded and tight.
The tail size will be medium, being low set and tapering to a fine point. It will extend to the hock. There should be no kinks or curvature. When the dog is relaxed the tail will be carried low, when moving, the tail is carried either level with the topline or when excited it will be raised without being curled over.
The breed has a great degree of confidence in its movement and exudes pride and power. The movement is free and powerful, with good power shown from the rear and a moderate reach at the front. The backline should remain level, showing only slight flexing. The legs will not turn in or out or interfere with each other.
The coat is between smooth and stiff when touched, glossy and short and close. It should be around 1.27 centimetres in length.
All colours and patterns acceptable.
Both height and weight should be proportionate, without appearing obese. In the standard, male height should be between 43 centimetres (17 inches) and 51 centimetres (20 inches) , and in females should be approximately 40 (16 inches) to 48 centimetres (19 inches) at the withers.
Faults to be penalized but not to cause disqualification for showing include:
Both eyes not the same colour match
Haw overly visible
Bulging or protruding eyes
Overly long or snipey muzzle
Lack of pronounced/deep stop
Weak underjaw
Underjaw turning up
Albinism (light pink colouration) of nose
Nose turning up or pushed back
Tail too long or too short (approx. 1 inch (2.5 cm) from point of hock)
Curled tail
Level or flush bite
Overshot or Undershot bite
Wry or cross bite
Neck appearing overly thin or weak
Neck too short or too long
Upright shoulders; steep and forward scapula
Upper arm too short
Severe turned fronts (in or out)
Bowed front legs
Down at the pasterns (weak pasterns)
Splayed or flat feet
Long toes
Hocks turning in or out; cow hocked
Coat curly or wavy
Movement: Rolling, pacing, sidewinding, hackney action, and paddling or pounding
Not moving on the same plane – legs over-reaching, crossing over in front or rear, or rear legs moving too close or touching
Serious Faults
Faults to be heavily penalized but not deserving of disqualification for showing are:
Severely overshot or undershot (1/4 inch (0.6cm)or more)
Tail kinked, twisted, knotted, fused or overly short
Long coat
Displaying or possessing aggressive behavior towards humans
Pink or Albino eyes
Missing one or both testicles
Deafness in one or both ears
Screwed tail
Bobbed tail
Docked tail