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Between the 12th and 19th centuries, bulldogs were created for the then legal sport of bull baiting. A successful breeding program was instated in the 1970’s, in Ohio USA to create a purebred dog which, whilst retaining the build and appearance of the bull baiting dogs of long ago, the Olde English Bulldogge is clearly and easily distinguished from the modern English Bulldog. Despite their fierce appearance, Olde English Bulldogges are in reality, renowned for being gentle dogs with an eager to please outlook. They are responsive to training and their loyalty to their families makes them a popular choice globally.
Life span
9 to 14 years.
Loyal and friendly whilst exhibiting great strength, energy and enthusiasm.
Head and Skull
The breed has a muscular body to which the skull is large and well proportioned. A well defined furrow runs from the top of the skull to the occiput.
Almond shaped and medium sized, set low and wide and level with the muzzle. Colour from light to dark brown with black pigmented rims.
The breed will have a wide, deep and square muzzle with defined layback. From the tip of the nose to the stop should not exceed one third of the distance from the nose tip to the occiput. Semi-pendulous flews.
Small in size, ears will be rose, tulip or button, with rose being preferrable. Set high and wide and to the back outer edge of the skull.
Wide nostrils, with a vertical linerunning between nostrils from the nose tip to bottom of upper lip. Large, broad nose in relation to muzzle width. Colour is black.
Of medium length, slightly arched and wide. A little smaller than the head at junction and widening to point of shoulders. Loose from jaw to chest with a double dewlap.
Heavily muscled and broad shoulders with separation between the blades. Moderately angulated on the shoulder blade, roughly equal to the upper foreleg in length. Elbows neither in nor out and forelegs set straight with strong pasterns and of medium bone.
Hind legs appearing slightly longer than the forelegs and well muscled. Hind legs should be straight, set sapart and parallel when viewed from rear with moderate angulation.
Viewed from the side, the body is slightly rectangular. Sturdy, muscular and powerful. Deep, wide chest with muscular brisket and well sprung ribs. Distinct tuck between hindquarters and ribs. Dip behind the withers and topline rises over loin with the appearance of a slight roach.
Strong and rounded with well arched toes.
Characteristic tail often called a pump handle tail although straight tails also acceptable. The tail will be set as an extension of the topline, tapering to a point. Relaxed, the tail is carried low, when mobile it is carried level with the back. When excited, the dog may raise the tail in an upright position but not curled over the back.
When trotting, the breed exhibits a powerful, smooth and confident gait, sometimes with a slight roll. Viewed from either front or rear, the legs do not turn in or out, neither do the feet interfere with one another. No obvious pounding should be seen from the side with front legs reaching out smoothly.
Coat should be shiny. The breed has a short coat which is of medium density and close.
Patterns include brindle and solid colours with or without white. Shades of colours include red brindle, fawn brindle, brown brindle and grey brindle, either pied or solid. Solid colours include red, black, fawn, white.
Males should ideally weigh 27 kilos to 36 kilos, and 43 to 50 centimetres at the withers. Females should be 22 to 31 kilos and 40 to 48 centimetres at the withers. Neither should appear fat. Weight of both are proportionate to height.
Eyes – Crossed eyes or non-symmetrically shaped eyes
Bite – Wry jaw or Overbite.
Tail – Kinked, docked, bobbed or screw tail.
Males lacking two fully descended normal testicles.