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Top 10 Toxins and Poisons for Dogs - by Johns Hopkins

Dogs are naturally curious creatures, so it frequently happens that they consume something they shouldn’t.

1. Chocolate

Although chocolate is a beloved sweet for many people, it may be extremely harmful to dogs. Theobromine, a component of chocolate, can be hazardous to dogs if taken in significant quantities.

Similar to coffee, theobromine can make dogs agitated, hyperactive, throw up, and have diarrhea. Muscle tremors, convulsions, and even death are possible in more extreme instances.

2. Grapes and raisins

Although raisins and grapes may look like healthy foods, dogs should never be given either.

Even a little intake of raisins or grapes can result in renal failure in dogs, which is potentially lethal.

Not all dogs will respond in the same manner to grapes and raisins since the precise chemical that makes them harmful is still unknown.

3. Onions and Garlic

Although they are often used in many human cuisines, onions, and garlic may be extremely hazardous to dogs.

These foods include substances that can harm a dog’s red blood cells, causing anemia. Dogs who consume too much onion or garlic may have vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and pale gums.

It is significant to remember that the degree of toxicity is influenced by the quantity of onion or garlic consumed as well as the size of the dog.

4. Alcohol

Dogs are poisonous to alcohol, and even a tiny quantity might result in issues. Alcohol use can cause dogs to vomit, have diarrhea, have respiratory problems, go into a coma, or even pass away.

While dogs are considerably smaller and more vulnerable to hazardous effects than people, alcohol has effects on them that are comparable to those on humans.

5. Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen

Common human painkillers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen may be quite hazardous to dogs. The liver, kidneys, and digestive systems of dogs can be harmed by certain drugs.

Dogs that have consumed too much ibuprofen or acetaminophen may have vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and a decreased appetite.

Seizures and a coma may result in extreme situations. It is crucial to remember that these harmful treatments for dogs have considerably lower doses than they do for people.

6. Household Cleaners

Several household cleaners have ingredients that might be harmful to dogs.

In more extreme situations, these substances can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and respiratory difficulties in dogs, in addition to irritating their skin and eyes.

By licking surfaces that have been cleaned with these products, dogs may come into contact with them.

This may also occur if a dog ingests water tainted with these substances. Use home cleaners only in well-ventilated locations and keep them out of dogs’ reach.

7. Insecticides and Rodenticides

Pests in and around the home are often controlled with insecticides and rodenticides. Ingesting them may be quite harmful to dogs.

These goods include substances that can give dogs a variety of symptoms. Vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, and even death are among these symptoms.

Dogs may consume tainted food or consume the pesticide or rodenticide directly, resulting in exposure to these substances.

8. Plants

Dogs are poisoned by a variety of common plants, including azaleas, daffodils, and lilies. These plants contain substances that can give dogs a variety of symptoms.

Vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, and even organ failure are possible symptoms. Certain plants can also irritate a dog’s skin or trigger an allergic response.

Do some research on the plants in and near your house, and keep your dog away from any hazardous plants.

9. Human Medications

Several drugs are safe for people but dangerous for dogs. In addition to the painkillers already stated, this also includes antidepressants, antihistamines, and even vitamins.

When dogs consume human drugs, they may exhibit a variety of symptoms, such as nausea, diarrhea, lethargy, and even convulsions.

Before giving your dog any human medicine, visit a veterinarian and keep any drugs out of your dog’s reach.

10.  Xylitol

Xylitol is used as a sugar substitute in many sugar-free gums, sweets, and other products. Humans can safely consume it, but dogs may be severely poisoned.

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and liver failure may arise from the fast insulin release that xylitol might cause.

Dogs who take too much xylitol may vomit, have trouble moving around, have convulsions, or even fall unconscious.

Act swiftly to reduce the potential for injury if your dog consumes or comes into contact with any of the toxins or poisons listed above.

Keep your cool and evaluate the issue. Make urgent contact with a pet poison control hotline or your veterinarian.

Keep a watchful eye out for any symptoms of illness or suffering in your dog.

Keep in mind that the best course of action is always prevention. Keep poisonous items out of your dog’s reach, and watch your dog closely if he or she is near potentially dangerous items.

In conclusion, dogs can be harmed by a variety of toxins and poisons. It is crucial to be aware of these risks and take precautions to protect your dog.

You should seek veterinary attention right away if you think your dog may have consumed any of these poisons. Your dog may remain healthy and secure with the right attention and care.

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